Our team of skilled chemists and knowledgeable developers work together to manufacture custom chemicals

Libery TX Plant

Libery TX Plant

Verdant Energy Solutions employs an experienced team of Ph. D, M.S., and B.A. chemists to regulate and develop our inventory.  The chemists routinely engage in a multi - step synthesis of materials using a wide variety of processing toutes to formulate new products and discover new improvements for our existing products.  

Our State of the Art Equipment include:

  • Muffle Furnace

  • Temperature Control Ovens

  • Color Testing Equipment

  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer

  • Gas Chromatograph

  • Liquid Chromatograph with Gel Permeation Capability

  • Ion Chromatograph

  • Melting Point Apparatus

  • Karl Fisher Water Determination

  • Viscometer

  • Colorimeter

  • Parr Reactor

  • 1 Gal. Glass - lined Reactor 

Libery TX Plant

Libery TX Plant

Our laboratory is equipped with the most advanced equipment in the industry so that we are able to develop the highest quality products for our customers.