Drilling Mud Lubricants: Water-Based vs. Oil-Based

Drilling Mud Lubricant


To be used in mud systems utilizing makeup waters from fresh to salt water.  INC643 can be used as a filtrate reducer, lubricant and bore hole stabilizer and produces a thin, slick, tough filter cake.  It will also significantly reduce torque, drag, metal surface wear, and prolong bit life.  Recommended usage rates for INC643 range from 025 to 1.0 gal per barrel.  Dosages can vary greatly depending upon the application, loading rates, and many other factors.  


That is designed as an extreme pressure drilling fluid lubricant.  INC648 forms a very tenacious film on all metal surfaces and is stable under pressures of thousands of psi.  Excellent torque reduction is realized in slim-hole and directional drilling which permits higher RPM.  INC648 will significantly reduce torque, drag, metal surface wear, and prolong bit life.  Recommended usage rates for INC648 range from 025 to 2.0 gal per barrel, and is not recommended for use in air mist drilling operations.

Calcium Sulfate Removal: Converter vs. Dissolver

Calcium Sulfate Removal


INC553 converts the Calcium Sulfate into a chemical salt, which is softer and can be easily removed from the well-bore, formation, or downhole equipment.  Can be removed mechanically or with the assistance of HydroChloric Acid. Under controlled laboratory conditions, INC553 has been shown to dissolve an average of 6 to 8 lbs. of gyp per gal. of product.  INC553 may be spotted on the damaged interval as is, or diluted 50% with brine water.  Recommended contact times may vary between 24 and 48 hours depending on the severity of the deposits.  For optimal results, remove any hydrocarbon deposits which may interfere with the sulfate reaction.  Optionally, INC553 may be pumped down the annular space through a side-stream flush line at a rate of 240 to 500 ppm based on the total daily water production of the well under treatment. 


INC551 physically (and slowly) dissolves Calcium Sulfate from the well-bore, formation, or downhole equipment.  Under controlled laboratory conditions, INC551 has been shown to dissolve an average of 5 lbs. of gyp per gal. of product.  INC551 may be spotted on the damaged interval as is, or diluted 50% with fresh water.  Recommended contact times may vary between 24 and 48 hours depending on the severity of the deposits.  For optimal results, remove any hydrocarbon deposits which may interfere with the sulfate reaction.   

Economical Gas Well Unloading and Cleanouts -

Foamer that has been formulated from anionic surfactants, builders, and foam boosters to provide excellent performance in light to heavy brines of up to 10lbs per gal.  INC932 was developed to be used in air mist/ stable foam drilling applications, and exhibits good tolerance to downhole influx of hydrocarbons, as well as high calcium tolerance.  Typical recommended concentrations on INC932 range from 0.3% to 2.0% by volume (2 to 8gal of INC932 per 10 barrels of brine water), but depend on drilling methods, brine concentration, and downhole conditions.  INC932 can also be used as an aid in gas well unloading and clean outs by slugging 5 to 10 gallons down the production string or by a continuous treatment down the annular space where possible at a rate of 1qt to 2gal per day, based on the downhole conditions and the amount of fluids produced.  

Reaction occurs in the water phase to form stable, water-soluble reaction products


Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger for use in drilling, flow-line, and bubble tower applications.  Theoretically, in excess of 3lbs of H2S may be removed per lb of INC993.  The scavenging efficiency will depend on contact time, pressure, temperature, gas velocities, moisture content, product concentration, mass transfer, and water dilution.  The preferred application for INC993 should be in a bubble tower, where the tower is filled to half of its volume with INC993.  INC993 may also be atomized on a continuous basis at the wellhead or upstream of a gas separator.  Depending on the application, initial treatment rates should be set between 0.3 to 0.5 gallons of INC993 per ppm of H2S per million SCF per day.  For drilling applications, it is recommended that the suction pit be slugged with one drum of the product to saturate the system, thereafter slugging with 5 gallons every tower.  

Environmentally Friendly Surfactants - Typical Recommended Dilution Rates

Environmentally friendly Surfactant for use as a cleaner in steamers and high-pressure washers for heavy-duty cleaning applications such as drilling rig cleaners and oilfield truck washers.  Typical recommended dilution rates vary from 1 part of INC725 Surfactant per 100 parts of water, to as concentrated as 1 part INC725 in 20 parts of water.  We recommend that at the lower dilution rates (as in 1:20) the resultant solution be tested in an inconspicuous location to determine if it will dull the paint.  

Solubility - Achieve Highest Benefit from Scale Inhibitor Application

We strongly recommend that a scale inhibitor formulation be tested in the water you will be treating to determine whether it will cause insoluble precipitates, prior to issuing a recommendation. Generally, the product to recommend should be completely soluble in the
produced water so that you may derive the highest benefit from its application. This should hold true especially for surface applications where it is necessary to continuously inject the product into a flow-line. Otherwise, it is possible to plug a flow-line with calcium salts of the
scale inhibitor. One possible exception may be a scale inhibitor squeeze, where it may be desirable to have the inhibitor precipitate in the formation to extend the life of the squeeze.